FAST x Production/Events Spotlight


The Production and the Events committees are the very backbone for all of FAST's events, including our socials and end of the year show! The Events committee helps bring FAST together by planning all of our social events. This year we had an all member picnic, bonfire, and movie night! Sadly, with spring quarter online and our show canceled, the Production committee's hard work will largely go unnoticed. We won't let the efforts of the Production committee be overlooked as FAST values all they've done planning our fashion show. Both of these committees are largely behind the scenes, but we hope that with this spotlight they'll get the recognition they deserve!

Production Director: Harnoor Kaur


What does your position as production director entail?

Being the director of the production committee entails planning the entirety of the annual FAST runway show. Aside from helping out with exec duties, that is the only thing I am responsible for all year. My committee and I start planning the show in Fall Quarter, by contacting companies to donate to our VIP gift bags, and makeup and hair stylists to get our models runway-ready. My role picks up in Winter Quarter and only continues to get more active into Spring Quarter when the show takes place. I create the stage and seat design, work out logistics with vendors to build the stage, set up lighting, and take care of permits for Pauley Pavilion. I designate very specific roles for every member of FAST for the day of the show so we can all work cohesively to deliver the best experience possible for our audience.  

What have you learned as production director?

I have learned how to manage a team and how to keep an eye on multiple different ongoing projects. As the Production director, I have learned it is really important to have perspective because it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture ideas when you zero in on certain details at a time. 

What’s your favorite part of event planning? 

My favorite part of event planning is seeing everything you’ve worked on come together in the end. As you plan events, sometimes you have to work in sections. It feels amazing to see all the different efforts you’ve worked on fit together like pieces of a puzzle. 

If it weren’t for quarantine, what’s one event that you wish you could help plan?

I would love to help plan a runway show for NYFW!

Events Director: Adley Wechsler


What does your position as events director/production director entail?

This was the first year we had an events committee so I had a new experience. My main focus as the events director this year was to try to make the FAST community closer. I want the events director and committee next year to continue trying to plan unique FAST experiences. We are responsible for growing the bond within FAST, which is pretty essential. 

What have you learned as events director?

 I have learned that it takes a lot of time to plan for an all member FAST event. We never knew exactly how many people would show up to an event, so it was all a learning curve. As a committee, we were inspired by other events put on by different UCLA clubs, which motivated us to try to make FAST the best it could be. 

What's your favorite part of event planning?

 My favorite part of event planning is when the event is occurring. You can see all the hard work you put in and people enjoying themselves. FAST is such a massive club with all kinds of people, but what brings us together is our love for fashion. I wanted events to help all of the members meet new people across committees. There is a lot of potential for FAST events and we've only scratched the surface this year. 

If it weren't for quarantine, what's one event that you wish you could help plan?

We had a lot of events planned for this spring quarter that quarantine sadly had to postpone for next year's FAST events committee. We wanted to do a venue social where members were allowed to invite plus ones (essentially a FAST formal). FAST has never had an event like this, so we were excited. I imagined it being an event that allowed FAST members to dress up and have fun. I wanted to take advantage of FAST having the most fashionable people on campus who could throw such a fun and glamorous event.

Events committee member Sophie Lewis (right):


Do you have any advice for others who want to join events?

I’d say be confident throughout your application answers and express your genuine excitement and curiosity for event planning. Calling upon past experience is a plus, but our main desire is to welcome the type of person that is cool, social, organized, creative, and passionate about adding unique event detail. If you prefer the strategic planning and production side of events, then this committee is still a perfect one to join. You should also show some personality in writing your application (whether it’s calling upon a great party, a screening, or networking events that particularly stood out to you). Never feel intimidated or worried because you don’t ever plan events single handedly! It’s very much a team collaboration where you have the friendship, support, and inspiration to learn from the group, whilst still having room to incorporate your own creative ideas. Lastly, don’t hesitate to speak up because everyone’s on your side and the more creative and vocal you are, the better the events!

What’s your favorite part of event planning?

I find the initial brainstorming part really fun and then of course seeing the final execution where the event comes to life and people are enjoying themselves. My other favorite aspect  is that it’s a great place to network since you can reach out to cool brands and inspiring people to join our events.

If it weren’t for quarantine, what’s one event that you wish you could help plan? (i.e. met gala, oscars, etc).

I’d love to help plan film premieres, in general! There are so many new movies coming out that are losing the opportunity to have big red carpet events like they usually do. The film industry (especially here in LA) loves it’s glitz and glam so I’d love to help with those and get back into the movie theaters again.

Events committee members Lea De Almeida (left) and Nicole Pamouktchieava (right):


Lea De Almeida:

Do you have any advice for others who want to join events?

To join events, I think skills like time management and organization are important. You should also be proactive and don’t hesitate to take initiatives.

What’s your favorite part of event planning?

What I love in event planning is the joy and satisfaction of the people attending the event. You feel completed, like you worked hard to coordinate the whole event but in the end it was worth it because everyone enjoyed it. Without you, there wouldn’t be any event.

If it weren’t for quarantine, what’s one event that you wish you could help plan?

First I would have loved to organize the fashion show in April. As an international student, it was my only chance to participate in such an event. I also would have loved to help plan the met gala! It’s a mythic rendezvous of the most famous stars and a great opportunity to get fashion inspiration :)

Nicole Pamouktchieava:

Do you have any advice for others who want to join events?

I would tell them to start planning early and right from the beginning. Time passes by so fast and without realizing there is so much work from school that it gets harder to plan an event and especially to find a date that suits everyone. Another piece of advice is to have an excel spreadsheet where it is clearly stated who is doing what in order to be able to keep track. This helped keep planning very organized. What I have learned is that it’s never too early to start planning and that you should reach out to as many people as possible because they might be able to help you out.

What’s your favorite part of event planning?

My favorite part was after the events when we had to clean up. It was nice because we could talk about what went well while still having the adrenaline from the people that you have just talked to. Additionally, it was a bonding experience as a committee.

If it weren’t for quarantine, what’s one event that you wish you could help plan?

I wish we could plan the networking night, a gala, a day-trip to somewhere as a bonding experience, and a collaboration with another club such as the Cancer Society (FAST could design the shirts and all of the members could participate in the relay for the cancer society).

FAST Blog Team


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