Sustainable Series, Part 3: A Time for Transformations
Editor’s note: In an effort to help bring awareness to sustainable fashion, FAST is excited to provide our readers with a Sustainable Series that will highlight different ways everyone can make an effort toward a more environmentally friendly way of living through fashion.
We all know that the world has done a complete 180 over the past few months. Overtime, we as human beings, especially in the United States, have adapted to the hustle and bustle of a stringent work ethic. For those now working from home, we find ourselves with just the opposite: time. Distance, free time, self-reflection-- these are now our new values woven into the long days ahead of us. This can be scary for many people (including myself), as change is uncomfortable. But, as mentioned before, we are adaptable creatures. Our lives must mold to this strange situation, and a part of that is the ability to find joy in the small things (and I mean the really small things). As minuscule as it sounds in the midst of everything, today I’ll be talking about ways to pass time-- and perhaps find a little joy-- by transforming and reusing old pieces in your closet.
Step 1: It’s time to finally break into your closet and dig out those ancient pieces.
Step 2: If something doesn’t fit or is just not your style anymore, pass them along to Goodwill or Depop (if you want to make some money).
These are some items I'm selling!
Step 3: Now, look for pieces that have potential to be revamped or uniquely transformed; here are some ideas:
In general, utilizing a creative outlet during this time is a no brainer for stress relief: painting, journaling, dancing, playing music-- the list goes on. Personally, my favorite thing to do is perform arts and crafts on unloved clothes that I own, as I am able to practice sustainability, refrain from indulging in all the recent sales, and feel some sense of productivity and catharsis throughout the days. The best part is, I am able to showcase what I transformed by wearing it. By the time we return to campus, all of us will have changed in some way-- and that may also include in what we wear. From the macrocosm of our world’s status to the microcosm of each creative project we might embark, it really is a time for transformation.
Laudan Hosseini
FAST Blogger