Once Upon a Time with Bonnie & Clyde

This Valentine’s Day, FAST draws inspiration from none other than Bonnie and Clyde, the iconic couple who robbed banks and committed crimes during the Great Depression. In a time of poverty, the idea of two young people immensely in love and robbing the government was almost too good to be true. Bonnie was a married high-school dropout who wrote poems and Clyde was a poor boy who committed the occasional crime when they met. They fell in love, and Bonnie became Clyde’s loyal companion until they were both shot in a raid. Together, they captured the attention of the press and public, leaving behind a legacy worthy of films and even a broadway show. 

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Whether you are celebrating Single Awareness Day or Valentine’s Day, embark on an adventure this Friday (hopefully without breaking the law). Channel your inner Bonnie or Clyde and do something bold. 

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Scroll to check out more photos of how FAST reimagines America’s favorite badass couple.

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Michelle Ma

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