Wildflower Cases *Giveaway*


Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 4.59.21 PM.pngFrom what started as a fun hobby and a homemade iPhone case gift for her two daughters, has become a woman empowering, family-centered, and creativity-focused iPhone accessory company for mom, and Wildflower founder, Michelle Carlson. With the company’s roots in handmade and fashionable iPhone cases, Wildflower has become a multidimensional iPhone accessory seller that took off after an accidental run-in with singer/actor icon Miley Cyrus. Miley fell in love with the iPhone case designs made by Michelle and posted them to her Twitter where fans asked where to find these creative, artistic, and fun phone cases. Their website launched overnight and Michelle with the help of her two daughters, Devon and Sydney have been making iPhone accessories ever since. Their iPhone accessories have been in the hands of some of the social media’s greatest influencers including Kylie Jenner. So what’s so special about Wildflower’s phone cases you may ask (besides the fact that this boss mother/daughter team is running it)? The designs and their exclusive/limited edition supply. As stated on their about page, “Wildflower represents all the girls passionately experiencing life with a free spirit and sense of independence, who are able to grow and survive anywhere, and are driven to succeed.” From the classic cheetah print to various colors of gingham, to chic tie-dye trend that’s all the rage, Wildflower has it all. But don’t take our word for it, check them out here https://www.wildflowercases.com/.[gallery ids="5732,5733,5734" type="rectangular"]Wildflower Cases was kind enough to send two phone cases to give to our FAST at UCLA readers. To enter:

  1. You must be in the Los Angeles area
  2. Follow @fastatucla and @wildflowercases on Instagram
  3. Comment on our giveaway IG post with your favorite blog post on fastatucla.com


Nicolina Duhs

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