How Quarantine Has Affected Fashion Lovers

Being in quarantine has really been an experience, to say the least. I hope everyone reading this is currently quarantining and social distancing because it really is vital toward limiting the trajectory of this virus’ impact on society in the coming months. For everyone who has been fortunate enough to not have their health affected by the virus itself, the practice of staying indoors and out of contact with others has affected everyone differently- depending on one’s values/priorities. I know for some people, not being able to see their friends has felt like the end of the world, but for others, the break from constant social contact has been nice and needed.  For some (like me), the transition to online school has been the biggest adjustment, and it’s forced all motivation to drop to zero, while for others, tuning into class from bed is a dream. 

One of the strangest parts about this experience for me personally (and I have been fortunate enough to not be affected by the virus itself) has been the destruction of a daily routine, and thus, length of time I have gone without wearing something other than a sweatshirt. I know this may sound like a minuscule and unimportant concept, and in the grand scheme of life right now, it totally is. But it is crazy how sad and low I have noticed I have begun to feel about myself since this has all begun.

I, like a lot of us in FAST, take a lot of pride in what I wear every day and how I present myself. Waking up in the morning and preparing for my day was the most important part. Dressing up each day is more than just an appearance complex- its an establishment of my daily routine, and for someone like me whose mental stability rests upon having an organized structure throughout my day, this change has been difficult. Dressing up each day gave me a purpose, and it made me flow through my day confidently and happily. But in quarantine, we’ve lost all routine. There’s nowhere to go, no one to see, and really no reason to wear anything but pajamas all day. The beginning of quarantine had me feeling so tired and lazy. The thought of putting on makeup or blow-drying my hair just felt pointless and tiresome.

Now that spring quarter has started, I’ve decided to take life back and establish my routine again. I am on a mission to start feeling good about myself, and now that I’ve gotten back into the swing of things, I’m a whole lot happier. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring many clothes home from LA so I have limited options when getting dressed, but I’ve been having a great time playing around with my hair and makeup! Today, I went on Instagram and got some makeup inspo, and then I borrowed my sister’s James Charles palette and tried out some looks on myself. Here was the final product:  


The best part about this time is that you get to try out a ton of new looks and vibes and come out of quarantine totally reinvented! (And if you mess up, no one is going to see you!)

It was really just the lack of routine that was getting to me. I think anyone who loves looking their best and perfecting their style is feeling this sort of “unfinished” feeling. My advice: don’t stop! Who cares if no one is going to see! Embrace yourself and YOUR passion. I missed wearing real clothes and makeup, so I just decided not to give them up. Whatever it is for you (it may not even be fashion), just because life feels like it is temporarily on hold doesn’t mean you have to cease your way of life and lose your sense of self--especially if you feel like your mental health is being compromised. Our mental health is really all we have right now, so instead of wallowing, try to continue to do the things that used to make you happy every day! I was feeling like I was just trying to get through the days so I could get back to being my actual self. I forgot that I was still me, and I didn’t need to wait for anything or anyone but myself in order to get back there. 

Hopefully the coronavirus curve flattens out soon and life can begin to go back to normal for summer. I’m hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy and indoors these days, and my thoughts are with anyone who has been directly affected by the virus. We can get through this!  

FAST Blogger

Grace Constable


The Impact of Social Media on Fashion


A Sustainable Series, Part 2: FAST x Designer Spotlight