COVID-19 Reminds us of the Most Timeless Trend: Humanity


The fast spread of COVID-19 has changed our world in many ways. We’ve seen the horrific effects of the virus all around the globe, we’ve seen unbelievable bravery exhibited by our health workers in our communities, and so much more. According to the as of right now, there are over 1 million cases worldwide, and the US has the most cases with 459,699. It feels like the whole world has been put on pause, and until this is over, everyone is narrowing their focus to #flattenthecurve and doing everything they can to unite and #stopthespread whether that be by staying at home, or if you are an essential service, going to work every day. The fashion industry has also become a key player in providing not only funds to fight the efforts against the virus, but also necessary equipment for health workers and hospitals.  


With the extreme influx of patients testing positive with the Corona Virus and coming into hospitals for treatment, there has been a massive struggle to support the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, medical gowns, etc. These times have called for extremely desperate measures we could have never thought possible, where nurses are wearing garbage bags as protective gear, and health workers wrapping bandanas and scarves around their faces because even that is better than nothing.                  


In response to this crisis, a huge portion of the fashion industry has stepped up by stopping the production of their clothes and instead, mass-producing masks and gowns. These are just some of the MANY companies that have devoted their efforts towards this deadly pandemic:



Big names such as Bulgari, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Hermes, Jimmy Choo, Michael Kors, and Versace, have made very generous donations towards several different organizations such as the Red Cross Foundation and the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. Other brands including Brooks Brothers, Burberry, Chanel, Christian Siriano, Gap, and Ralph Lauren are now using their factories to mass-produce PPE. Worthy of distinctively mentioning is Crocs, who donated 10,000 slip-on shoes to health workers, L’Oreal who donated 1 million euros to many different organizations and have started to mass-produce hand sanitizer and hydro- alcoholic gel in their factories, and Prada who not only is producing thousands of masks and medical overalls, but the CEOs of the company have also personally donated 2 complete intensive care units and resuscitation units each to three different hospitals in Milan (

The brands mentioned above are just a drop in the ocean for the number of companies within the fashion industry that are getting involved. So many companies, both big and small, and everything in between, have shifted gears to adapt to the current world’s needs right now and personally, I am absolutely awed by the compassion and kindness exhibited by so many. Right now it’s not about the most current, and latest trend in fashion, but rather being reminded of the most timeless trend of all: “humanity”. Coming together, to support one another and show love for each other, will ALWAYS be #trendy and #fashionable.   


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Angela Sourial


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