My copy of Worn Stories, compiled by Emily Spivack, came in the mail the other day. I first happened on it by chance in a Barnes & Noble shop, and was drawn to the cover's clean, italicized font. I flipped it open and saw a picture of a glorious, orange Hermes coat. The story that accompanied it was about a young woman who couldn't afford much, but sacrificed a bit of each paycheck for the Hermes fragrance, Fabourge. I won't ruin the end of the story, but I will say it had to do with an unfortunate piece of purple bubble-gum and Woody Allen. It was such a wonderful story that I knew I had to buy the book sometime.
Worn Stories is a compilation of short excerpts and stories from contributors everywhere. Each individual shares a piece of clothing that they have and a story or memory attached to it. It features stories from notable people like Marina Abramovic, a performance-artist who collaborated with Lady Gaga for Artpop, and designer Rachel Comey. I'm about a quarter of the way through reading all the stories, and I absolutely adore them. Each one is so different, and it's hard to believe some of them are even real. I suppose its a testament to how individual and unique each person's life really is. 
Along the same vein, I also realized that there are a lot of fashion publications that go unnoticed. When everyone's reading about news via social media sites, it's hard to have a print medium do well on the market. Nonetheless, I've always had a penchant for feeling the paper in my hands and hearing that creak as you open a book for the first time. So here's a few books and magazines that I've been meaning to read:
1/ I suppose it necessary to bring up Alexa Chung's, It. I actually know for a fact that it's stocked in the UCLA store, so feel free to check it out there in person. Chung is known for her fashion-forward decisions and is a contributing editor at British Vogue. Overall, she's just a notable media personality whose found success amid a generation of teenage girls raised by the internet. I honestly don't care too much for the book, but I think a lot of other people will.
2/ Tavi Gevinson is literally the fashion-blogger figurehead. She got in on the game when she was 12, and now her blog-turned-website Style Rookie also has its own magazine publication, for which she's the editor-in-chief. Only 19, she's known for her articulate writing style that effortlessly combines fashion, feminism, and daily teenage woes into insightful stories well worth reading. Rookie Yearbook, the name of the publication, has a lot of celebrity guest contributors, too. The most recent one features pieces by Lorde, Haim, Sia, and the Fanning sisters. (I've been meaning to get my 14 year-old sister a copy. It's a far better read than Seventeen or something like that.)
3/ Grace: A Memoir is written by one of my favorite women in the fashion industry, Vogue's creative director, Grace Coddington. I first heard of her in the documentary, The September Issue, which I highly recommend. Coddington's eye for styling editorial spreads is truly unmatched. She recounts her life experiences, from being a model herself to her establishment of the "travelogue". Having 74 years of life experience, I'm sure she has a lot to say.
4/ Kinfolk magazine is a minimalist's dream. So clean, it's a breath of fresh air when you compare their covers with that of a typical magazine seen while waiting in-line at the grocery store. Technically not even a fashion magazine, they promote slow-living, and their articles are based on establishing community, spending time with loved ones, and simplifying one's life. One of my family members says that it's the only magazine he subscribes to, and the only written thing that he actually reads.
5/ My last suggestion is a cute, mauve-colored book that makes for a perfect read in between classes. Christian Dior's, The Little Dictionary of Fashion, was a huge deal when it first came out in 1954. It's really amazing to think about his legacy and being able to read his words at the same time. Getting tips from Dior himself for $15? That's a steal. 
I hope you've found my suggestions interesting to some degree. If you have any other suggestions or want a few more, don't hesitate to comment below. Don't forget our runway show is coming up soon, on May 22nd, so I hope to see you all there!

