David Sabastian

by Jasmine Conrad, Alexis McPhee and Chloe Kojima
Photographs: Chloe Kojima
Write up: Jasmine Conrad
Question asker: Alexis McPhee

Last Thursday night, me and my FAST Blogger Crew (Alexis McPhee and Chloe Kojima) had the spontaneous pleasure to visit the one and only David Sabastian at his Studio. 
We had the honor to interview the up and coming star on his origins, music, and fashion. 
Enjoy the colorful, intelligent, whimsical, authentic and effortless dialogue of David Sabastian....

FAST: What is your mantra?

David Sabastian: One hundred percent be yourself. I think the individual now is a rarity, people are different for the sake of being different. I do things that I am completely drawn to for other reasons than being cool.
FAST: Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

DS: I am clairvoyant. I can see into the future, but not that far into the future. With artist, it is a roller coaster; there is the rise, the high point and the decline, I won’t experience the decline now though. Now, I plan to touch people, change lives, promote peace and unity, branch out from clothing lines, shows in Milan, and lines that branch out from Fairfax. I look at music as a basis for that work-up, a segue to lead us somewhere else. 
I want to be a recognizable brand that is synonymous with taste. 
FAST: How would you describe your sound?

DS: Blue, red, yellow, purple, rainbow, cupcakes. Naw, I’m just playing. I can’t describe it. So many artist these days are one facetted, but I feel that the greatest artist on this planet are people who show you a well rounded perspective of who you area as a person. 
The reason why I named this project, (the mixtape) the Napoleon Complex was because Napoleon was a strong guy, but was also vulnerable. I want to show my vulnerable side, my tragedies and triumphs.

FAST: If you could open for an artist, who would it be?
DS: Myself. I would clone myself. 

FAST: When did you start to get involved with music?

DS: In this lifetime? ...Well in the 1500’s I was a rapper, they declared me insane....like who is the guy rambling? 
Just kidding. Um, well when I was 16 I went to jail. I was on a destructive path, but I knew I was talented; I could draw, I was into fashion. I had these thoughts banging in my head, and thought: how do I articulate these things? I’m black, why don’t I rap.

FAST: How did you get involved with Fashion?
DS: Music is what brought me into fashion. I did fashion so people would appreciate my music. 
In the world now, fashion is really easy, especially for the people in it. I thought it would be an easier rise, not that there aren’t that many dope designers, its just that a lot of them aren’t in LA.

FAST: Who is your favorite designer?

DS: I think God is a great fashion designer 

FAST: What do you think about the current relationship between the music and fashion industry?

DS: I think that its is conflictant, a lot of artist are so contrived, and use fashion to make them relevant and cool. Fashion helps masquerade these people, the relation is always hand in hand

FAST: What instruments do you play?

DS: My heart, when I fall in love I make a great song, I’m doing a remix to it right now. 

FAST: What inspires you?

DS: I’m not in touch with nature as much as I should be, but I find serenity and peace in traffic, noise, lights and concrete. My mind takes these mental notes, like a mental tumblr and it just posts shit. When I make music, I try to reference that, so I pull my inspiration from humanity 

FAST: Did you imagine that you would be in the position that you are in today?

DS: When I was younger, I wanted to be a Ninja, or 007 with like Tom Ford Suits. But I always thought, how can I become as smart as possible without spending money and going to school? I kid you not, but I spent 6 months researching and learning art history, vocabulary, and I basically taught myself. Yeah...Shalom. 

FAST: What are 5 things you can’t live without? (we thought he was going to say Pussy and Marijuana...)

DS: Yellow, red, blue green, orange...just kidding....not pussy and marijuana...my mother. I can live without marijuana, you should never do it to where you need to survive.
Honestly, I don’t need anything. No religion, no girlfriend, no money. I could have nothing and I would be completely fine. I see the beauty in nothing

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, words of the rap, art and life aficionado, David Sabastian. 
Everyone be on the look for his new mixtape, The Napoleon Complex. 

In the mean time, get your David Sabastian fix at the following locations: 

FAST Loves Hip-Hop


Shopping Night @ American Apparel